In Loving Memory
Coach Mike,

Our hearts are heavy and deeply saddened by your recent passing. You gave everything in order to make public tennis work in our community. We will miss seeing your unforgettable presence and contagious smile tremendously! You are irreplaceable. However, we know your spirit will live on through the lives you impacted at Coach Mike's Tennis Academy and through your unforgettable journey in life.
Thank you for the memories. Thank you for being our coach, friend, and mentor. Thank you for starting Coach Mike's Tennis Academy and being wise enough to get the ever-caring assistance of Susan Daynes and creating The Foundation. Its' existence has been far-reaching and a blessing to many. Thank you for your undying efforts in promoting public tennis. Thank you for taking such great care of these facilities. Thank you for a bubble which allows us to play and work year-round. Thank you for reaching the hearts of thousands of aspiring tennis players (no matter their ability). Thank you for investing your time, energy, and life for this community. We love you. We miss you. Until we meet again Coach Mike!
In behalf of all those who are better off because of you,